Meet the Chef
Chef Scorzo is the creator of a piece of theatrical realism, Andreoli where real Italian lifestyle is staged. Italian food is consumed not only by the most authentic culinary tradition, but a real-life experience made of speeches, meetings, sharing, laughter, feeling and passion.
Act One at Andreoli
Giovanni is Andreoli’s great puppeteer, showcasing his culinary prowess and larger-than-life personality. A meal at Andreoli is staged daily, always the same on the canvas but different in content. The patrons are all unaware actors of this truth theater where the staging slips marked by the three central moments of food tasting: breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
In front of a croissant, an espresso, a plate of pasta or a tiramisu, every content is lawful; from culture to cinema, from art to everyday life, from sports to politics, the action takes place in absolute post-realism.
With Andreoli, the concept of reality is overcome. Reality is not staged but a reality that goes on stage.

“…as it would be served in Italy”
Giovanni has been specializing in Italian food for years and is known as a purist. Some guests endearingly refer to him as the Seinfeld soup Nazi’s equivalent of Italian food. He is most proud that he adheres to preparing and serving food as it would be in Italy.
Scorzo first learned his craft from his mother and perfected his cooking skills in different fine restaurants throughout Italy. Scorzo is uncompromising about his food and demands that it meets his high standards before being served to his patrons.
The King’s Table
Meet Chef Giovanni Scorzo. Learn about his philosophy on life, and his dedication to food, family, and friends.
Una parola da capocuoco Giovanni
“Ringrazio mia moglie Linda Scorzo per il prezioso incoraggiamento a realizzare quest’ antico progetto. Adele Andreoli, mia madre, custode di molte ricette di nonna. I miei figli Francesca, Gian Paul, Angelino, mio padre Serafino e gli amici, miei assaggiatori prediletti e tutti coloro che hanno rallegratto le mie cene e che divulgano un lusinghiero apprezzamento alla mia cucina hanno contribuito all nascita di questo locale. Ho imparato la preziosa nozione di quanto sia importante e ricca la nostra tradizione proprio come tutta la cultura italiana. Devo percio a mamma Adele sia la mia conoscienza nel campo culinario, la sua straordinaria ricchezza e varieta. Mangiare e un rito che compiamo almeno due volte al giorno. Farlo bene signfica avere un a possibilita in piu di essere sani e felici. Grazie a presto!”
– Giovanni